First: what collective solidarity:
Is a contract between the company and the members or their representatives, based on the principles of Islamic cooperative insurance, calling for the good cooperation and rounding up and raise the damage among the participants.

Second: the legitimacy of collective solidarity:
The collective solidarity, the rules of Islamic law public, meaning: (virtue, righteousness and piety and do not help one another in sin and transgression) “table verse 2” and says: (believers and believers some of them parents) “repentance verse 7” and sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him him (insured for the insured pull together) “Narrated by sheikhs.” The Supervisory Board issued a fatwa legitimacy of the company is permissible to the principles under which correct forensic commanding in the collective solidarity, namely:

1. Principle donation: lead that donates participants, all pleased with a portion of the premiums their participation, or all of the Solidarity Fund collective by UNFPA needed, and is worth mentioning that we have to consider joint system collective solidarity donated all or part of the premium collective solidarity paid to the Fund, and has at the same time if deserved in the form of mutual cooperation, which achieves tranquility for himself and his family and helps to stabilize and secure its future.
2. Not violate directly in the activities of the company: It is intended that all our activities are not contrary to the provisions of the Islamic Sharia, especially conclusion of contracts and investments, and to ensure the implementation of this principle, the following: –
A – Appointment of a legitimate device consists of a group of Shariah scholars as legitimate oversight body.
B – The company invested their money in trade and legitimate channels and in the fields of investment, which do not conflict with the provisions of Sharia
C – the company must distance itself from doing cover any trade or act contrary to the provisions of Islamic Sharia.
D – must deal not opposed to the provisions Sharia with reinsurance companies
3. Surplus distribution:
It is a box for the remaining funds of collective solidarity at the end of the year, and is distributed to subscribers only and does not impair the company nothing. The surplus is calculated as follows:
Excess = (premium + investment gains) – (Compensation + administrative expenses + probability)
The surplus is distributed, the participants participation rates, taking into account the date on which payment of premium during the year.
4. Participation in excess loss:
And he had cooperated in good times and bad, if compensation and expenses exceeded contributions and there was a loss of redundant everyone should participate by their premiums. As in the case of entitlement to the surplus that is distributed by the premiums consistent with the legitimate rule pays sheep. But that in order to avoid any shortfall, the company will take all necessary precautions so good, and did not happen to be returned to the participants due to excessive loss.
5. Participation in management:
Subscribers the right to participate in the management and supervision of the company’s activity and performance, through the body of subscribers, which elects its representative on the Board of Directors.
6. Season shareholder money for campaign funds documents:
The company is committed to separate shareholder funds for contracts and campaign funds invest separately and add to each bowl return on its investments.

Third: the objectives of the system of collective solidarity:
Of the objectives of the system of collective solidarity following
1 – spread the spirit of solidarity, plaisanterie and compassion among the participants.
2 – a face-saving individual and his family.
3 – reduce the impact of interruption of income, due to death, health or disability, or illness, and reduce homelessness and begging the families involved.
4 – deepen the principle of cooperation in righteousness and piety, and the participation of everyone in the misfortunes of some of them.
5 – foster a spirit of safety between individuals, leading to increased production.
6 – feeling a joint paper breadwinner family.