Our Services At NASCO
we are about more than insurance Broker. We build relationships—from the start and as your business grows. Our services Program is the gold standard of insurance protection, financial efficiency and outstanding client service worldwide

N ASCO focuses on risk irianagemen I before preparing the required insurance. as this will hel p in the process of insurance package/bid documentation in order to provide the best insurance coverage.
Fffeclive risk management is a critical componenl oF any winning management strategy. The appl icaiion of pre- and post- loss mitigation techniques combined with varying levels of properly designed insurance and risk management programmers allow’ the organization to grow safely.
NASCO gaffers information mom clients, assess their insurance needs and risk profi ie:
N ASCO reads the line print of the various policies ter its clienis: adding clauses and del ei ing exclusions wherever needed.
N ASCO knows the market and can, therefore. advice the cI ients in the following areas:
he Insurance company most suitable lo the clients’ needs
•’ I nterqrelation oF policies” We+rding and Conditions“
* The RATING”. in olher words which company gives Ihe most suitable and fa\’orabIe premium. claims ad i• sunent and prompt settlement.
Reinsurance support arrangement in the international market.